Sunday 15 October 2017



The sketch above shows a row of huts, but in particular, we are looking at Hut 10 at Tatura.

Let me explain, followers will have read through the PDF's of Senator Cavanagh's speech to the Senate, in them, he talks of matters that were related to the Somerton Man case. In one instance he refers directly to a man with the initials 'NL'.

NL it appears, put forward a credible explanation for the code. But who was NL?

Clive has been his usual thorough self and has found a possible fit, a man who, coincidentally, was an internee and who, for a short while at least, was a resident in hut 10 at Tatura camp.

This man was to later change his name yet hold on to his initials, shades of T Keane perhaps?

The man in question is a NORBERT LEICHT, a former internee who changed his name to Norman Lester. He returned to the UK in later years and became a British citizen.

Is it possible that this man knew enough about the code used in the Hay Banknotes to put forward a solution to the SM code?

Isn't it interesting how the Internment camp links turn up? 

To be fair, of course, we do not know for sure that the initials NL belonged to the same man.


1 comment:

  1. Hi if this was in fact norman lester. Its my grandad and I'm trying to find more information about him


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