Wednesday 19 July 2017


In Clive's interview with Mr Lawson, a lot of ground was covered including Paul's comments on the nature of the environment within the CIB office. In his view, it was indeed a divided camp when it came to the Somerton Man case. There were those officers who were decidedly very protective of Jestyn and those that wanted to pursue the case with her as the prime suspect. As we all now know, Jestyn's supporters won the day.


Digging a little deeper, Paul referred to one of the officers as a version of 'Sergeant Schulz' of Hogan's Heroes fame. It was this officer who controlled the case and who either allowed or disallowed the inclusion of various evidence presented to him. 'Sergeant Shulz' did not act alone and we are left to consider who else might have been in his faction. Those familiar with the case will have little problem identifying 'Sergeant Schulz'.

As the discussion progressed, Paul went on to talk about the verse that Jestyn had written in the book she gave Alf Boxall, specifically he referred to the signature and the letter 'E' that seemed so unusual. He believed that according to those involved in the case, the use of a second capital letter may have had something to do with Jestyn's association with the Persian religion he had mentioned at the earlier interview. As best we can make out, that religion was probably Zoroastrian, more details in the first post on Clive's discussions with Paul. We are following up on the signature issue with members of that religion currently.

The picture is emerging and it increasingly suggests that Jestyn's supporters were following specific instructions from on high. I say that because I would find it difficult in the extreme to believe that anyone could effectively block the progress of an investigation in what appears to have been a murder without some kind of direction from above.


The above image is dated June 1948, it shows SA Police first radio car and in the image, I believe the gentleman on the right is Detective Sergeant Leane, not certain of the identities of the other 3. These radio cars were operated by CIB and were on the road between 4 p.m. and 6 a.m. Whilst this vehicle was operative from June, the new SA Police Radio centre did not kick in until August 1948.

The car itself is a General Motors Model, you can tell that by the emblem on the hub cap, the predecessor of the GM Holden released in December 48. Interestingly the Holden company was in existence for some years prior, they were the vehicle body makers for many of the cars/chassis' imported from the US and the UK and who were eventually acquired by GM hence the name GM Holden


1 comment:

  1. Leane was under no doubt as to what would happen to him if he hadn't accepted Francis' wish to remain anonymous.
    Good post, GC. Clive, you're worth more than chocolates.


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