Saturday 22 April 2017




In the image above we can see Fedosimov's left ear but the comparison shot to the right above shows the right ear.

Now we can see the comparison images showing the right ear from both images. The left ear from the post autopsy image, above left, of SM looks not to be attached, similar in fact to Fedosimov's left ear.

It's a;l; about the angles from which the photos were taken, when it comes to human faces, the camera can lie or at least be deceiving.

Below we have a series of images of a well known TV star, David James Elliot, in some the ears appear to be attached and in others not:





And finally an image I came across whilst browsing for examples seems to show particularly well how camera angles can make a big difference to the human face:


The bottom line is that when it comes to Fedosimov and the likelihood of his being the Somerton Man, what we can say is the following:

  1. The ears are very similar
  2. The teeth seem to match the description of the Somerton Man
  3. The face is a very similar shape
The height of the Somerton Man, and here we need to repeat the logic from an earlier post, is very similar to the height of Fedosimov as described by Harry Gold, Atom Spy.

The logic is as follows:

The Somerton Man when measured on the slab in the morgue was 5' 11'' in height.

The fact is that a dead person lying on a slab is going to have their muscles fully relaxed and it is fact that if the person were alive and standing in their stocking feet you would add at least 1" to 1.5" to their height just because they would have their muscles tensed. This would make the Somerton Man a little over 6' in height in a non-relaxed state

Now, if you were asked to stand up straight against the wall and stretch to your full height, you can add another 1" to their height. Those who have been in the services would vouch for that.

We now have the Somerton Man standing erect and stretched to his full height and he would then measure at least 6' 1" in height and very possibly a little more.

Next, put some shoes on and you will add another 1" to his height making him, fully extended and wearing shoes, at 6' 2" in height.

Let's get situational, when Harry Gold saw Fedosimov, he said that he was walking on the balls of his feet. That is going to give him the appearance of additional height making him, in appearance at least between 6' 2" and 6' 3" in height. Adding to that, Fedosimov was in the habit of wearing a hat, it to should be taken into account. There is no doubt in my mind that the Somerton Man was a good deal taller than the 'slab' height quoted.

I would like to mention 'coffeemen24' from a reddit post (it was about Thomas Bede), who, 11 months ago, expressed doubt about the ears based on camera angles and lighting, many thanks for your input!

Not wishing to sound macabre but, if you haven't been to a morgue and seen numerous bodies and discussed their appearance with coroners and other specialists, then you would not know that this would be the case.

You should also bear in mind that the post autopsy images of the Somerton Man were altered and that has been agreed to by Professor Abbott although we may differ on the degree of alteration. You can read more of this in a much earlier blog post here:

In Passing...

Whilst we are looking into the past, a mistake was made by someone on another blog regarding the discovery of the issue of soot and smoke that would have left deposits on the Somerton Man and his clothes but in fact none were mentioned nor found to the best of my knowledge. I published this quite some time ago, in fact February 2016, and you can find it here:

Trains & Soot

I mention this as I am sure the other blog author and the commenter wouldn't want to give people the wrong impression and be thought of as plagiarising this work again.


1 comment:

  1. A small problem, Pavel doesn't seem to have the mole that SM has to the left of his mouth (facing him).


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